Should PlayStation Have Its Own Monitor?

And Why Haven’t They Created One Yet?

Amethyst Champagne
3 min readMar 5, 2024
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

After having used my PS4 for a while now, I’ve been wondering about it.

I know the company would make a killing profit-wise if they created a monitor specially designed for PlayStations, as I’m sure many users would love that.

But for the moment, our only choices are TVs and computer monitors.

Using a TV

Photo by Nicolas J Leclercq on Unsplash

My first gaming experiences were with TVs when I occasionally played on the Wii when I was visiting my foster sister’s house or hanging out with school friends at their house in the eighth grade.

The flat screens worked just fine. But I couldn’t appreciate it fully until late last year.

I suppose I didn’t count playing Mario Kart as gaming. After all, I considered the Wii to be the console for the casual gamer.


Having a TV-sized screen for gaming is nice. It makes the whole experience more immersive. And I don’t have to focus as hard to see everything, which is challenging enough.



Amethyst Champagne

I write personal stories, articles, and more in hopes of helping others.