Traditional Vs. Self-Publishing

The Pros And Cons Of Each

Amethyst Champagne
5 min readNov 5, 2021
Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

I realize this isn’t usually what I discuss in these posts. Still, I find it to be a relevant topic.

Now, I’ve never gone the traditional route, and I don’t plan to, but I know a lot about how it works. And I know the ups and downs of self-publishing.

So, let’s dive in!

Pros of Self-Publishing

Photo by James Tarbotton on Unsplash

Total Control

One of the biggest reasons more authors choose to become indie authors is that they have direct control of their content and rights.

Many publishing houses will ask you to change your story before they consider it ready to be released. But sometimes, those changes can impact your story so much that it becomes different.

But you get to decide what stays and goes when you do it yourself. You can also make revisions to your manuscripts later on.

High Royalty Potential

Your royalty potential is much higher as well. With self-publishing, you can earn up to seventy percent in royalties. I’m sure the numbers vary…



Amethyst Champagne

I write personal stories, articles, and more in hopes of helping others.