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POV Part 2: Third-Person
Now that we’ve discussed first-person POV in writing, it’s time to discuss third-person.
What is Third-Person Point of View?
Well, it is the he/she/they point of view, where the characters and the narrator are never the same person. It is the most used in fiction, also having several variations: limited, multiple, omniscient, and objective.
Third-Person Limited
Like with first-person limited, third-person limited can only access the mind of the MC, but it’s filtered through the he/she lens instead of I.
One advantage to this POV is writing characters with limited intellectual ability and having them sound all right, like if a young child spoke.
But just like first-person, you can only write what that character experiences. I don’t mind this one, but it’s not one I read often.
Third-Person Multiple
Now, my personal favorite for both reading and writing is third-person multiple. With this one, you can tap into the minds of more than one character without having to read the word I all the time, which becomes tedious after a while.
This allows you to expand on your story, have subplots actively play out within the main plot, and possibly like one…