My First Time Using AI Software

Amethyst Champagne
5 min readApr 9, 2023

Oh yes. It’s one of the most controversial topics in the world of writing.

And I tried it.

Yes, I know it’s not something a creative writer should be using. But before you click out of this article, hear me out. And no, I had no help with this article. It’s all me.

Why I Did it

For months, I’ve been seeing and reading various articles about AI writing and photo-generating software on Medium.

Many writers seem supportive of it, saying it’s a great tool and that they use it to help them write, but I also see other content saying it saps creativity and will render writers useless.

I find this funny because editing software has been around for much longer than this, and it hasn’t hurt us, not really.

If anything, using software like Grammarly is very helpful, especially if you’ve looked at the same manuscript a dozen times. And some clients like it when we use Grammarly to help us.

But back to the main topic, I recently got to edit a book created by AI. It was a book about the power of affirmations.

And the content wasn’t bad.

So, after I finished that assignment, I decided to start investigating AI.



Amethyst Champagne

I write personal stories, articles, and more in hopes of helping others.